Design delivery

At DevAnant we know that design thinking enables solutions that deliver business results. And for design solutions to work, they must be loved by users. This means research-based solutions that offer real value and are validated by end-users themselves.

What we offer?

Using a strategic design approach in all our projects ensures that real value is created. This means that we take responsibility for the entire process from ideation to realization. It’s is an important part of our approach to ensure the solution is right for you.
User Experience Design (UX)
Service Design
User Interface Design (UI)
Systems Design
Circular Design
Future Design
Speculative Design
Customer Experience Design (CX)

How do we start?

We use the Quick Start model for onboarding new projects. To gain a holistic understanding, we conduct a thorough analysis of your business’s IT infrastructure.

The process works like this:

Step 1

Fact check, test assumptions

Plan the work, work the plan. Proper formulation and planning of the project ensures success.

Step 2

Identify the weaknesses

Find gaps and weak points in the project and understand how to counter them.

Step 3

Make the business case

Document and delineate the project in sufficient detail so development time and costs are clear.